In cloudscribe Core we used the GoogleAnalyticsTagHelper, GoogleAnalyticsHelper, and GoogleAnalyticsApiService provided by the cloudscribe.Web.Common library to track basic things like page views and also to track user account events such as Login Submit, Login Success, Login Failure, Registration Submit, Registration Success, and Registration Failure. We also tracked whether the login or registration event used a social login service such as Facebook or Twitter, or Google or Microsoft or whether it was just a local account.
This tracking used the original Google Universal Analytics platform (UA) which as of 1st July 2023 will be discontinued in favour of the new Google Analytics 4 (GA4) platform.
The new GA4 platform uses different data types from the old UA platform, and, although it still has the same concept of events, the structure of the data and the names of the events are different to the old dimensions and metrics.
The javascript library that cloudscribe Core uses is also newer - we now use the gtag.js library from Google rather than the old analytics.js library that was specifically for UA.
To enable Google Analytics to start sending data to Google you need a 'Web stream Measurement Id' from Google - this is like a key and consists of letters and numbers prefixed by 'G-'. e.g. G-123XY456Z.
Once you have this ID, it can be plugged into cloudscribe on the Administration->Site Settings page, in the box labelled 'Google Analytics Tracking Id'. On an existing site you may already have UA-123XY456Z code in here for the old Universal Analytics (UA) platform. In UA this was called a Tracking ID.
The analytics component within cloudscribe automatically switches between the old UA style of sending data to the new GA4 way by looking at this 'Google Analytics Tracking Id' setting. If it starts with a 'G' is uses GA4, and for 'UA' it uses UA.
For information on creating a Google Analytics 4 tracking ID, please go here. Once you have this ID (now called a Measurement Id in GA4) you can plug it into cloudscribe as described above. There is no need to do anything else - cloudscribe will add Gtags to your web page content as necessary.
The following events will be logged into GA4 by default using the following event names:
Event | GA4 event name | Event Parameters sent |
LoginSuccess | login | Login 'method', e.g. Onsite, Google, Microsoft etc |
LoginFail | login_fail |
Login 'method', e.g. Onsite, Google, Microsoft etc Login failure 'reason', e.g. 'Login not allowed', 'Needs account approval' etc. |
LoginSubmit | login_submit | Login source, e.g. OnSite, Google, Microsoft etc |
LoginRequires2Fa | login_2fa | Login 'method', e.g. Onsite, Google, Microsoft etc |
LoginLockout | login_lockout | Login 'method', e.g. Onsite, Google, Microsoft etc |
RegisterSuccess | sign_up | Registration 'method', e.g. Onsite, Google, Microsoft etc |
RegisterFail | sign_up_fail |
Registration 'method', e.g. Onsite, Google, Microsoft etc Registration failure 'reason', e.g. 'email already existing' etc. |
RegisterSubmit | sign_up_submit |
Registration 'method', e.g. Onsite, Google, Microsoft etc |
LogoutEvent |
logout | Logout 'reason', e.g. 'User Signed Out', 'Login Timed Out' |
There is one further event handler that is wired up and ready to go - cloudscribe Core does not use it itself, but you can use it in your own code: | ||
SearchEvent | search | 'search_term' - the string that was searched for 'number_of_results' - the number of results found |
Overriding the event names sent to Google
The names of these handled events can be changed in configuration (appsettings.json), as well as some other parameters which are explained later.
"GoogleAnalyticsGA4Options": {
"TrackUserId": "true",
"EnableDebugMode": "true",
"LoginSuccessEventName": "login",
"LoginFailEventName": "login_fail",
"LoginSubmitEventName": "login_submit",
"LoginRequires2FaEventName": "login_2fa",
"LoginLockoutEventName": "login_lockout",
"RegisterSuccessEventName": "sign_up",
"RegisterFailEventName": "sign_up_fail",
"RegisterSubmitEventName": "sign_up_submit",
"LogoutEventName": "logout",
"SearchEventName": "search"
Depending on your privacy policy you may want to set TrackUserId to false. Google forbids capturing any personal identifying user information directly in google analytics but you can capture a user id that corresponds to the user id for the user in your own website database and you are allowed to capture that in google analytics and there are advantages in doing so. The other option not covered so far is the 'EnableDebugMode'. Enabling this allows real time debugging of events in conjunction with an extension for the Google Chrome web browser. See documentation here.
Features no longer supported
Event tracking for ecommerce events (transactions) is no longer supported for the new GA4 cloudscribe implementation.
The API service for sending events to Google from third party applications is no longer supported in the new GA4 cloudscribe implementation.
In Summary, cloudscribe Core has built in tracking of page views and account events such as login and registration. You can see the actual code we use for tracking account events here. You can also track other custom events in your own custom features using similar techniques. See the Easy Google Analytics article in the documentation for cloudscribe.Web.Common to learn more.